
Image of UNH student working with faculty on possible career paths


学生可以与职业顾问一对一地讨论他们的兴趣并完成兴趣评估. 顾问与学生会面,解开兴趣评估,并根据每个人独特的目标和情况提供指导.
Encourage students to make an appointment through Handshake.



    JCE是一项以职业为重点的兴趣评估,为学生提供详细说明首选工作和教育团体的全面报告, 基本利益, 以及工作人格偏好. Additionally, the report provides links to O’Net job codes. 


    SkillScan是一个交互式的在线职业评估,分析学生的核心优势和偏好. The report provides students with detailed information about strengths, 有针对性的技能发展想法, and suggestions for career and educational options. 

    Values Sort  

    Students will utilize a card deck to categorize their personal values.  通过引导反思,学生可以了解他们的价值观如何影响他们的日常生活. 学生可以利用这些知识来确定与他们的核心信念一致的职业类型和工作环境. 

    学生可以与学校的职业专家预约,讨论潜在的职业道路. Students can schedule an appointment through Handshake. 此外,学生可以通过各种在线资源探索职业信息:

    Students have instant access to career information, tips, and sample career documents on the 事业和专业成功 学生资源页面.


    Creating Relevancy: Linking Classroom Content to Students’ Lives

    Bernard, S. (2010年12月1日). “Science Shows Making Lessons Relevant Really Matters” Edutopia. Retrieved from http://www.edutopia.org/neuroscience-brain-based-learning-relevance-improves-engagement

    Briggs, S. (2014年10月4日). “Relevant To Your Students (And Why It’s Crucial To Their Success)”informED. Retrieved from http://www.opencolleges.edu.au/informed/features/how-to-make-learning-relevant/

    Much, N. & Mentkowski, M. (1982). “阿尔弗诺学院学生对自由学习的看法:证明学习与个人和职业角色的表现有关” National Inst. Of Education. Retrieved from http://eric.ed.gov/?id=ED239563

    Roberson, R. (2013年9月). “帮助学生找到相关性” 心理学教师网络. Retrieved from http://www.apa.org/ed/precollege/ptn/2013/09/students-relevance.aspx

    Wyre, S. (2013, June 14). “The Importance of Relevancy in Improving Student Engagement and Learning” Faculty Focus. Retrieved from http://www.facultyfocus.com/articles/faculty-development/the-importance-of-relevancy-in-improving-student-engagement-and-learning/


    Binder, J.F., Baguley, T., Crook, C., Miller, F. (2015). 实习的学术价值:跨学科和学生背景的好处. 当代教育心理学, 41, 73-82. Retrieved from http://doi.org/10.1016/j.cedpsych.2014.12.001


    Lester, S. & Costley, C. (2010) Work?based learning at higher education level: value, 实践与批判, 高等教育研究, 35:5, 561-575, 检索自DOI: 10.1080/03075070903216635

    Building Employability Skills in the Classroom

    Fallows, S., Steven,C., (2000) “将就业技能纳入高等教育课程:一所大学?宽倡议”,《澳门葡京网赌游戏》卷. 42 Issue: 2, pp.75-83, http://doi.org/10.1108/00400910010331620

    Bridgstock, R. (2009)我们忽视的毕业生属性:通过职业管理技能提高毕业生的就业能力, 高等教育研究 & 发展,28 (1),31-44; DOI: 10.1080/07294360802444347


    当学生们对毕业后的未来不确定时,他们经常会向导师寻求建议. An advisor can provide guidance by directing students to appropriate resources, 参考职业专业人士, and engaging in focused and meaningful conversations. Students may need assistance in identifying their interests, 确定最好的职业道路, 或者制定另一份职业规划.


    建议学生与职业专家交谈,进行适当的兴趣评估. 每所学院的职业专家都经过培训,负责管理和向学生汇报职业评估. Concluding an interest assessment appointment, 学生将对他们喜欢的任务和工作环境有更丰富的看法, as well as, 有进一步探索的职业建议和进一步发展的针对性技能.

    与专业人士联系  建立关系 BUILD AWARENESS

    通常情况下,学生们会知道一份职业需要什么,但缺乏细节和信息来评估自己与该职业的契合度. Recommend a student speak with individuals working within multiple fields. 通过参加信息面试, 学生将对特定行业的工作性质有更深入的了解. Students will be equipped with knowledge of the desired skills, experiences, and potential pathways to each career area of interest. 由此产生的“职业清晰度”可以为学生提供确认,某条道路可能适合他们, or that a certain career is not what they initially thought. 这两种结果对学生尽早发现是有益的,也是重要的.

    专业协会  建立关系 建立经验

    专业协会可以成为成熟的专业人士和尚未进入就业市场的学生的强大资源. 很多时候,加入的学生可以享受折扣和额外的好处. Not only can students make connections with professionals across the field, but they can gain greater insight into industry trends, knowledge, 就业资源. 与学生分享你所属的专业协会,并鼓励学生加入支持他们的激情和兴趣的协会.

    Engaging in Experiential Learning Opportunities  建立经验

    对学生来说,评估一个职业是否适合的最好方法是获得实践经验. 学生可以通过参与各种不同的体验式学习机会来实现这一目标,包括工作经验, internships, research, 留学的经历, 以及服务学习项目. 学生们通常认为,参加这些高影响力的经历只会让那些确定了自己的职业方向的学生受益. However, 亲身探索一个行业是发现一个合适和理想的职业轨迹的最好方法之一.

    明智地规划课程  BUILD AWARENESS 建立经验

    鼓励学生在选课时要谨慎,尤其是新发现和选修课. Using discoveries and electives to explore topics can be useful to students. In contrast, some students reserve electives until later in their academic career, when they have a clearer vision of their post-graduation direction. 这两种策略都可以使学生受益,这取决于他或她的情况,都需要学生在注册课程时做出深思熟虑的选择.

    有时候,一个学生的内心指南针会给他或她指向多个不同的方向,这让学生找到他或她的“真正的北方”变得令人沮丧.“前面提到的许多方法也可以用于这些学生, however, there are additional considerations to note.

    Career vs. Hobby

    A deep self-awareness allows individuals who understand their strengths, skills, and passions to seek meaningful and fulfilling careers. 这可能会成为一些人的障碍,他们有不止一种激情,他们觉得必须追求. 帮助学生理解,仅仅因为他们对某件事有浓厚的兴趣, doesn’t mean it has to central to their career. People can pursue their passions through hobbies and volunteer work.

    Change is Okay

    Some students equate choosing a career path to answering an exam question; they are looking for the right answer. This is particularly true among high achieving students. 实际上,一个学生很可能有好几个“合适”的职业. 当前这一代的学生可能会有多种工作,甚至可能会改变行业. 对于学生来说,听到有可能换工作和转行是非常令人放心的. Additionally, 帮助学生理解,一个人的旅程到他们目前的位置往往是一个多风的道路,而不是一条笔直的道路,也可以缓解矛盾的思想.


    学生们可以遵循好心的亲人或同龄人建议的道路. 这种外部压力会给学生带来不必要的负担,使他们在期望和激情之间徘徊. Although the student will ultimately need to choose his or her path, 顾问可以问一些深思熟虑的问题,帮助学生决定一个对他或她来说最有意义的未来.

    为被推荐人提供积极的支持和鼓励当然是辅导员的一项重要任务. 然而,当一个学生有不切实际或不可能的职业抱负时,你该怎么办?


    强调竞争力, share applicable statistics including admission rates and acceptable minimum G.P.至于研究生院和专业学院. 提供对成功获得工作或研究生入学资格的前校友的见解.


    鼓励学生在他或她的计划没有实现的情况下考虑另一个选择. 这可能意味着通过在期望的领域获得额外的技能和经验来提高竞争力, 提高澳门葡京网赌游戏, or pursuing a different occupation entirely.


    职业专家可以帮助学生提供有关目标职业和特定行业的信息. 学院的就业人员将与学生单独合作,制定适当的、重点突出的行动导向计划.


    学生们因为各种各样的原因改变他们毕业后的计划,并以各种不同的方式对这些变化做出反应. 作为顾问,当学生似乎“陷入困境”时,提供指导变得很有挑战性.“从整体的角度理解每个学生的情况,并通过积极倾听来表示支持, advisors can guide students through difficult transitions and obstacles.



    Academic成绩是决定因素吗? (i.e., a GPA that is not sufficient for graduate school)

    Burnout: Current coursework and/or other responsibilities can be causing stress, 导致学生不再想继续目前的道路或继续教育(例如.e., a student who planned to pursue graduate school, but no desires to take additional courses at the current time).

    Financial继续教育的费用和/或可能产生的薪资范围都可能是影响因素.e., a student is concerned with the prospect of added student loan debt)


    兴趣改变或发现随着学生通过课程学习和参与体验式学习的进步, 他们的兴趣可能会发生变化. 他们可能会发现新的激情,或者意识到他们对某些领域和话题不感兴趣.e.(一名学生在一家公司实习,并意识到工作的性质不适合他/她)



    每个人对变化的反应不同,最好的方法是指导学生完成过渡, it is crucial to understand the impact a change has made on the student’s life.

    Self-esteem: For some students, a change in their trajectory is seen as a failure. 面对失败对于成绩优异的学生和经常面临逆境的学生来说都是困难的. Doubt in one’s abilities can be self-harming, 适得其反, 而且往往是前进的障碍.  

    Relationships当前位置一些学生在决定改变专业方向时,会遭到家人甚至朋友的反对. This can put an uncomfortable strain on relationships, 特别是对于那些从家庭成员那里获得经济支持的学生.

    Academics除了作为一个可能的触发因素, 学业成绩的变化也可能是由于职业规划的改变而导致的. 如果学生认为课程的追求与他们未来的职业不再相关,他们可能会对课程不感兴趣. 此外,压力、自尊和动机也会影响学生的学业.

    学生可能会或可能不会透露他们的个人情况在生活中,并没有期望学生这样做. However, students do often share pieces of their personal life with advisors. Keeping an open mind and understanding there may be external factors at work, 培养热情, considerate, 信任的环境. Just because a student does not confide personal circumstances, doesn’t mean there isn’t more below the surface.

    Home and Family有义务吗, pressure, stressors, or special circumstances happening in the home of the student?


    Finances: Is the student or student’s family struggling to make ends meet? Is the student concerned about their financial future?

    Work学生的就业或维持稳定收入的需要是否会妨碍他们参与有助于提高竞争力的其他活动? (i.e.(无薪实习)

    人际关系: Is the student having challenges socially?

    帮助面临改变的学生最重要的方法之一是倾听并完全理解他们为什么要改变道路. Students often come to their advisors seeking reassurance. Although you may agree or disagree with the student’s decision, you can provide guidance by offering an unbiased viewpoint. The most effective conversations are free of judgement, centered around options for moving forward, and direct individuals to appropriate resources and next steps.


    鼓励学生从一个集中的观点退后一步,并检查下一步的多种可能性. If relevant, share your own personal story of when you’ve had to make a tough decision, 遇到障碍, 或者找到你的激情.

    Talk it Out

    有时学生会爱上一个新想法,但还没有彻底评估这个想法. 问一些深思熟虑的问题,迫使学生审视他们提出的改变的现实. 学生可能不了解从事新职业所需的步骤或对该领域的清晰理解,可能需要这方面的帮助.


    职业生涯和专业成功的工作人员善于提供信息和资源,有效地指导学生的职业发展的各个方面, including changes to their original career paths. We will administer and debrief interest assessments, deliver relevant industry and career resource, 讨论替代方案.