
  • 网络 is asking for career information or advice from people you have some connection with
  • 网络 is an important aspect of any successful job search
  • 80% of opportunities are found through word-of-mouth
  • 如果你投入了时间和精力, a solid network can help you find information and opportunities you wouldn’t find anywhere else


  • Create a LinkedIn profile and join UNH 校友 Association groups
  • Schedule meetings with faculty, friends, and family to find out who is in their network
  • Expand your professional online network through LinkedIn,  Facebook, and Twitter
  • Go to job fairs where you can get information and network with employers
  • Find mentors - connect with people interested in helping you succeed
  • Get involved in professional, social, or community activities both on and off campus
  • 帮助他人建立人际网络
  • Create a top 10 list of dream employers and contact them to request an informational interview
  • 一定要寄一封感谢信


  • 第一印象非常重要
  • Approach any potential contacts with courtesy and tact – Most contacts will be pleased and flattered to hear from you as long as you're polite and considerate
  • Respect their boundaries – Don't badger or harass them
  • Follow through on what you promise and be honest in all of your interactions
  • Don’t ask for a job – The person you are speaking with may not have any knowledge of potential job openings, which will be awkward and shut the conversation down right away



A common synonym for developing and maintaining contacts and personal connections with a variety of people who might be helpful to you and your career. 建立友谊就是建立关系网 ... 你一直都这么做. 你可以和每个人建立联系! 


  • 要准备好! Know who will be at the event, appropriate dress attire, and BE ON TIME!
  • Have positive body language-smile, stand up straight, and arms at your side.
  • Prepare some conversation topics prior to the event.


握手 are an age-old practice, and they live on. However, many people are uncomfortable shaking hands.  While there are no official workplace guidelines to follow, you are encouraged to decide what’s best for you and follow through.


  • When greeting someone, introduce yourself without extending your hand
  • 如果有人向你伸出手, you may acknowledge it by stating “I’m sorry I do not shake hands, 但很高兴见到你."


  • Use a firm, confident grip: not too hard and not limp either
  • The handshake should last no more than 3 seconds
  • It’s important to extend good eye contact and smile while shaking hands


  • Create your Elevator Pitch, this is your 30 second commercial, all about 你是谁!Include your name, major, year at UNH, and your career goals.
  • Avoid religion, politics, money and heated current events.
  • Have questions prepared to ask: ''Tell me about your background", "what advice would you have for someone entering the field", "are there colleagues you would recommend I talk to", “你是怎么开始的?”, 举几个例子!
  • 找到共同点和共同的兴趣. You can also talk about recent events, sports, and other general interest topics.
  • 当准备结束谈话时, let the person(s) know you were happy to talk to them, 索要一张名片, 然后继续!


  • 在名片背面写上备注!
  • 跟进你所建立的联系.
  • Send an email stating it was nice talking with them, 你是谁, 包括你们讨论过的事情.



  • Always taste your food before you add salt or pepper.
  • 每次切一口,包括沙拉.
  • 和主人一起吃饭. 不要完成得太快或太长.
  • 吃饭/参加活动时关掉手机.
  • Do NOT talk with food in your mouth, and do NOT chew with your mouth open. You should also avoid slurping and smacking your lips.
  • Follow the lead of the host when it comes to dinner conversation! Do not bring up business items until the host/interviewer does.
  • If food is hot, allow time for it to cool rather than blowing on it.
  • 如果你掉了一件餐具,不要把它捡起来. 礼貌地要一件新餐具.
  • Sit up straight at the dinner table, and do not put elbows on the table.
  • 不要把手伸到桌子对面. 礼貌地请别人把东西递给你.
  • 等大家都端上来了,你就可以开始吃了. If you are unsure, follow the lead of the host/interviewer.
  • To signal to the server that you are done with your meal, 把餐具放在盘子上, 把手在4点钟方向.


  • Your napkin will be on your left, or on your plate when you approach your seat.
  • Place your napkin on your lap when everyone is seated at the table.
  • Place your napkin on your chair when you need to excuse yourself for a moment. Place the napkin on the right side of your plate at the end of your meal, when everyone is done.


  • It is recommended to not order alcohol during an interview. Some networking events may be acceptable to order, but limit yourself to one.
  • 水、果汁和冰茶是最安全的选择.


  • You should never order the most expensive item on the menu, unless your host recommends you to and it is something you would like.
  • 点一种你会喜欢的中等价位的食物.
  • Try not to order foods that are very messy to eat.
  • If you are not sure what to order, ask your host for recommendations!


  • Salt and pepper should always be passed together even when someone asks for only one.
  • 社区 food items (such as a bread- basket) should be passed to the right.
  • When passing items such as creamer or a gravy/dressing boat, pass them with the handle towards the recipient.


  • 保持你的右手可用来握手. You can have your cup sit on your plate to be able to hold both.
  • Do NOT overload your plate with Hors d’oeuvres or appetizers.
  • Be aware of your beverage, especially when alcohol is involved. 不要喝太多/太多.